Readers in Colorado may be interested to hear that actress Debra Messing recently filed for divorce from her husband of 10 years, Daniel Zelman. Citing irreconcilable differences, the 43-year-old star of “Will and Grace” and “Smash” is asking for joint custody of the couple’s 8-year-old son and seeking spousal support and child support from Zelman, an executive producer on the “Damages” television series.
Like any couple facing a divorce, Messing and her husband will have to deal with a number of difficult and emotional issues, including property division, child custody and visitation, and spousal support. In a high asset divorce like Messing’s, however, those issues may quickly become heated.
In Colorado, the courts follow equitable guidelines when dividing assets and debts. Homes, retirement plans, business interests, and stocks and bonds must all be valued and divided. Even separately-held property, which is not subject to division, must be examined for any appreciation accrued during the marriage.
Regarding child custody, courts in Colorado determine parenting responsibility based on a number of factors, including the wishes of the child, the child’s adjustment to home, and various school and community influences. For visitation, which Colorado courts refer to as parenting time, the guiding standard is the best interest of the child.
Like Messing and her husband, many couples in Boulder County may face these issues in divorce. An attorney can help you understand how the process of property division works in a divorce. That understanding can be a big step in helping you properly prepare for a new life apart.
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer, “Debra Messing files for divorce from husband after 11 years,” Kate Stanhope, June 5, 2012