Depending upon how a state categorizes the property of the married people within its borders it will either be called a community property state or an equitable distribution state. Community property states assume that property owned by both of the parties to a...
Exclusive Focus In Family Law for Over 10 Years
Month: February 2017
Valentine’s Day marked by both proposals and divorce filings
Beginning shortly after Thanksgiving, Colorado residents may have noticed an increase in jewelry commercials airing during their favorite primetime shows. Many of those commercials featured happy couples sharing special moments that ended with proposals of marriage...
Child custody orders should serve the child’s best interests
When parents in Colorado go through a divorce the details of their children's lives can be left up in the air. Moving from one parent's house to the other on a new schedule may disrupt the children's routines and leave them uncertain about their futures. Many children...
Spousal support may be modified through Colorado courts
Either through agreement or a court-issued order, a divorcing Longmont resident may find themselves subject to an alimony obligation. Alimony, also known as spousal support, is the payment of financial support from one party to a divorce to the other, after the...