Child support in Colorado can be one of the most complicated and contentious issues that a divorced couple can face. The best interests of the child should be paramount, but personal and financial issues will sometimes get in the way of adhering to the order to meet...
Exclusive Focus In Family Law for Over 10 Years
Month: November 2018
Married Colorado politicians set to divorce
Divorce is a difficult enough prospect for Coloradans without career and financial factors entering the mix. However, this is unavoidable with a significant number of cases. This can be a high asset divorce or a divorce of more modest means, but when it is a...
Marital property and debt division requires legal assistance
While Colorado divorces will often have a series of issues that can be difficult to negotiate, such as child custody, visitation rights, child support, spousal support and more, property division can also be a problem. For people who are trying to not just get beyond...
High asset divorce couples could be impacted by pending law
Finances are often at the center of a Colorado high asset divorce. While that will often make for a contentious back and forth between the parties, the law can be taken for granted as a secondary issue. Now, with changes to the U.S. tax law set to go into effect at...
What is the law for dividing Colorado public retirement accounts?
There are several issues that will come to the forefront in a Colorado divorce. Property division is one. When there is a public employee retirement benefit plan, there are certain rules that must be in place for it to be divided via written agreement. Both the spouse...