People in Colorado and across the nation who seem to "have it all" with wealth and all the benefits of being a high-profile couple can experience marital strife. For many, this will result in a divorce. A high asset divorce has different concerns for the parties and...
Exclusive Focus In Family Law for Over 10 Years
Month: January 2019
The complexities of sentimental items with marital property
In a Colorado divorce, the main issues that must be navigated generally involve support of a former spouse and children. Property division will also come to the forefront. Much of that involves tangible items about which it is relatively easy to formulate a monetary...
Can grandparents receive visitation rights of grandchildren?
Custody disagreements in Colorado are often classified as disputes between parents who are getting a divorce or have already parted ways. However, there are other people in the child's life who will want to pursue custody and visitation rights. Frequently, this...
January often sees a spike in divorce filings
Many Colorado couples who are considering a divorce do not do so based on a single incident. It is a wide range of issues that finally come to a head and spark the final determination that the marriage is unsalvageable and it would be better for everyone if they part...