Child support payments are not a penalty imposed on parents who do not have physical custody of their kids. In fact, child support payments are an opportunity for custodial and noncustodial parents alike to provide their kids with the support they require to thrive...
Exclusive Focus In Family Law for Over 10 Years
Month: September 2017
Parental responsibilities can vary based on facts of custody case
How children will be raised and shared between their parents is often a major concern for Colorado residents who choose to go through divorce. In Colorado courts are involved in the process of ensuring that the divorce litigants understand their parental...
Money matters are paramount during a divorce
Most people work their entire lives to build up their wealth, save for the future and then enjoy their retirement years without having to worry about where their money will come from. When they plan for the future some Colorado residents are able to build significant...
Will I receive enough alimony to maintain my standard of living?
Although divorce is a legal process it affects more than a person's status as single or married. It may wage an emotional war on their energy and happiness and it may significantly change the way that they look at their assets and money. In Colorado marital couples...