When Colorado voters legalized the personal use of marijuana last November, they also unleashed a multitude of legal issues that have yet to be resolved. Among these issues are how state and local authorities should regulate the cultivation and sale of marijuana, how...
Exclusive Focus In Family Law for Over 10 Years
Month: February 2013
Baseball executive to pay maintenance to ex-wife
In Colorado, whether one party to a divorce should receive spousal support can be a contentious issue. Spousal support, called alimony in some states and often called maintenance in Colorado, is typically ordered to provide assistance to the recipient while he or she...
Children over 7 most affected by divorce, study shows
It is hardly news to Colorado parents that divorce is hard on children. Now some new research sheds some new light on the effect of divorce on a child's academic performance and behavior. The research should be of interest to those involved in a child custody dispute...