When parents divorce, child support is one of the most critical issues that must be resolved. Unfortunately, obtaining an order that sets out the child support obligation is often only the beginning of a long and arduous legal fight.
Child support is not a luxury for the parent who receives it; it is a basic necessity. Raising a child is expensive, and Colorado’s child support laws make both parents responsible for the financial burden. Colorado courts use presumptive child support guidelines to set the amount of support a noncustodial parent will be obligated to pay. The guidelines take each spouse’s gross income into account, as well as which parent has responsibility for certain expenses, including day care and health insurance. How much time the child spends with each parent is also a factor.
When an ex-spouse or unmarried parent fails to pay court-ordered child support, it is the child who suffers most. Failure to pay child support also creates significant hardship for the custodial parent. State and county authorities can help, but their resources can only go so far. If you are a parent who is owed back child support, consulting an experienced family law attorney may be your best bet in getting a child support order enforced.
The law firm of Shea L. Burchill, P.C. can help, as child support is a major part of our practice. Our firm has helped clients collect the child support that the other parent has been ordered to pay. For more information on our child support practice, please visit our Longmont Child Support Lawyer web page.