Coloradoans have spent their entire life working for their future. Every paycheck, every investment and every sacrifice that they made has been toward the dream of someday retiring and living their life without the daily commitment of a job. It is a common story and for those who have made it happen, it can be a dream come true to experience.
However, there are varieties of life events that can occur, which can derail this dream. One such event is divorce because during a divorce, a person may see their assets and wealth evaluated and divided, sold off and split, in the difficult process of untying one’s life from that of their spouse.
In many cases, divorce leaves individuals scrambling to figure out how they will live off a reduced income or without the support of their spouse’s earnings. They may accumulate debts, while losing assets, and may be left wondering how they will survive their financial future.
Though it is impossible to guarantee a stress free divorce, the support of a family law attorney can help many individuals manage the emotional, legal and financial decisions that must be made at the end of a marriage. Family law attorneys can work with their clients to protect their assets and hold on to the property that is rightfully theirs.
And, Shea L. Burchill, PC, provides just these services to her divorce clients. Burchill is available for consultation at her Longmont office and welcomes inquiries from individuals who wish to learn more about their rights during divorce.